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Root canal filling in permanent dentition in combination with gutta-percha cones.
High radiopacity
Excellent flow
Setting expansion
Release of Ca2+
Bioactive properties
Paste x paste system
Adequate working time
Fast tissue recovery without causing inflammatory reactions
Great radiographic visualization
Allows filling of accessory canals
Perfect sealing of the conduts
Helps in the quickly recovery of bone and cementum formation
Faster recovery from lesions
Easy to manipulate
Allows its use by endodontists and general practitioner
Easy to remove with gutta-percha solvents
Support of restorations and prosthetic crowns.
Greater radiopacity
Standardized burs with inactive tip
High concentration of fibers
Special glass fiber
Double taper
Modulus of elasticity similar to dentin´s
Silicone stop
Direct use (prefabricated)
Longitudinal fibers
Versatility of sizes
Allows radiographic visualization
Precise calibration of posts according to burs present in the kit. Very thin cement layer
Better mechanical properties
Excellent transmission of light
Matches root canal shape
Lower risk of root fracture
Identifies post size and indicates place for cutting
Saves clinical time and decreases lab costs
Easy removal
Indicated for most clinical cases
For treatment of perforation of root or furcation by canal; treatment of perforation of root or furcation surgically; treatment of internal resorption via canal; treatment of external or communicating internal resorption surgically; retrofilling in paraendodontic surgery; direct and indirect pulp capping; apicification; apicigenesis; pulpotomy and pulp regeneration.
High alkalinity (ph~12)
Setting expansion and Chemical adhesion to dentin
Radiopacifier Zirconium Oxide
Non-resin composition
Average particulate size (~2 microns)
Easy to use and insert into cavity
Stimulates tissue regeneration
Bactericidal action
Prevents bacterial infiltration
High radiopacity and does not stain
Absorbs moisture from the medium, starting the setting process
Does not contain heavy metals
Allows use in humid media without loss of properties, especially in surgeries where the humidity control of the operative site is difficult
Greater reactivity, accelerating the healing process.
Root canal filling of permanent teeth. Internal resorption treatment.
Ready to use
High alkalinity (ph~12)
Excelent flowability
Setting expansion
Chemical adhesion to dentin
High radiopacity
No mixing required, apply directly to canal
Easy to clean
Stimulates tissue regeneration
Bactericidal action
Allows filling of accessory canals
Prevents bacterial infiltration
Better sealing
Excellent radiographic visualization
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